White Teeth Tips

White Teeth Tips

It’s hard to keep your pearly whites, well, white!  What with soda, coffee and just life.  So here’s a few tips to keep your pearlies shining!

  1. Drink a glass of water after drinking your morning coffee, tea or soda.  Doing so will keep those morning drinks from staining your teeth.
  2. Eat strawberries.  Yes, it’s true, strawberries will act as a natural teeth whitener.
  3. Add lemon to your water.  The natural citric acid in lemon juice when added to your water will help keep your teeth white.  And it adds a nice Vitamin C boost to your diet.
  4. Baking Soda.  Brushing your teeth with a paste of water and baking soda will whiten and clean your teeth.  This tried and true method is a quick, cheap and easy way to maintain bright white teeth.
  5. Change your Brush.  Replace your tooth brush every six months.  New brushes clean better.  It’s a simple as that.

So, there you go!  Keep smiling and let the world be dazzled.

Method Makeup Academy, Salt Lake City’s Makeup School